#DayofAction: Voter Registration Training Party
Ready to observe National Constitution & Citizenship Day? We’re so glad! Your event, big or small, will be part of a larger, national #DayofAction on September 17th, promoting an active citizenry and celebrating our country’s values.
This Tool Kit is here to help you join our #DayofAction and to #MeetEatActivate on September 17!
What is a Voter Registration Training Workshop?
The name of this event says it all: gather friends together for a brief workshop (usually 45-60 minutes) to learn best practices on how to register voters and hold your own voter registration drive. You will learn how to organize and run a registration drive, best practices, best locations, best time of day, and more information specific to your state.
To get started, invite a small group (at least 10 to 12) or a large one – any size works!
Contact a Voter Registration Training Organization
For training purposes, we recommend the League of Women Voters. We have found this non-partisan, non-profit to be very well-organized and with significant reach (700+ local chapters) which is not surprising since the organization is 100 years old! To organize a free private training workshop for your FoD event, contact your local LWV chapter.
DIY Voter Registration Training
Are you interested in being the trainer and to DIY? Check out these sites to educate yourself about the particular voter laws in your state, so you can train your friends or colleagues:
Ignite is dedicated to building political ambition in young women – starting with getting them excited about voting with #IgnitetheVote and #VoteTwice (midterms and general election!). You can sign up to get a state specific Voter Registration Toolkit here.
Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people. They’ve registered and turned out millions of young voters on campuses, in communities, and online. Check out their Voter Registration Training Guide.
HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that stages voter registration drives at concerts and run programs that translate the power of music into real action. By reaching young people and music fans where they already are – at concerts and online – they make civic participation easy and fun.
When We All Vote has a comprehensive Voter Registration guide and can help you get started volunteering.
Inviting Guests
Feel free to cut and paste one of these graphics to use with your invitation. We like to use Paperless Post’s free invitation flier, simply add the logo for the organization that will be training your group, any hashtags, plus your own date/time/place for the party to the graphic. Make sure your invite is set to private and share the invitation link with your guests.

Voter Registration Training

Voter Registration Training
- Voter Registration Training Handouts (if you have one, ask your trainer if they will be bringing handouts, or find out how to get or print your own from your local Board of Elections.)
- Pens
- Notepads
- Download some nifty Feed Our Democracy and #DayofAction printable event decor here. We’ve got designs you can use for tabletoppers, cupcake toppers , stickers or buttons to help make your event feel pulled together (and look awesome on social media!)
If your guests ask how they can help prepare, ask them to bring their own supplies (or to help with pens and notepads for the group) to help you defray costs.
The Event
It’s a party! Serve whatever you like. From pizza to healthy snacks, to cake and coffee. Whatever works! Have refreshments out when guests arrive and don’t be shy to ask people to chip in.
While it is a get-together, you do have work to do! So while you want to make sure you give people time to mingle before the presentation – make sure that whether you’re doing the training or an expert is showing up, you don’t wait too long to get started.
Keep ‘speechifying’ to a minimum. Just introduce the event, say a bit about why you decided to host this #FeedOurDemocracy event and about the #DayofAction and how you’re all a part of it.
The Ask
Registering voters and getting the word out about the importance of voting is important work. But should you and your guests want to offer financial support as well, you might consider asking them to donate to the non-profit who is training you and your guests. We recommend a donation in the amount of what they would normally spend on a night out with their friends.
The Details
Register your event – We’re building a virtual and real-life community of active citizens. By registering your gathering, you help us keep track of the impact we’re making together, with #DayofAction events around the country.
- Read and Agree to our Code of Conduct
- Follow-up with guests. Let them know you appreciate their time and remind them of the action they committed to take.
- Post on social. Use the hashtags #DayofAction and #feedourdemocracy and tag @feedourdemocracy on social media.
You’re part of a bigger celebration of
National Constitution & Citizenship Day!
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